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                                                                           February 14, 2018
                                                                     Regular Meeting Agenda


       Poland Township Trustees held their Regular Meeting on February 14, 2018 at the Poland Township Government center located at 3339 Dobbins Road, Poland Ohio.

        Mr. Canter led The Pledge of Allegiance.  Mr. Canter called Roll, present- Chairman Mr. Ungaro, Mr. Kempers, Ms. Wollet. All present.


Mr. Ungaro motioned to approve the Special minutes dated January 10, 2018 and the Regular Meeting January 10, 2018. Seconded by Wollet, Voting- yes- Mr. Ungaro, Mr. Kempers, Ms. Wollet… Motion passed.

Mr. Ungaro motioned to authorized payment for all outstanding bills for Poland Township, seconded by Ms. Wollet. Voting – yes- Mr. Ungaro, Ms. Wollet, Mr. Kempers…motion passed.

            Mr. Canter gave the financial report for December. Revenue of $240,577.17, Expenditures of $343,510.82. Revenue for the year was $3,557,405.33, and expenditures were $3,659,767.77. Switching bank accounts from ICS to sweep account. We have increased our interest to about $500.00 month to 1.25% interest ($800.00/ month).

            Mr. Ungaro motioned to enter into service agreement with MS Consultants for the Cobblers Run storm sewer replacement project. Motion by Mr. Ungaro, seconded by Ms. Wollet. Roll call… Mr. Ungaro-yes Ms. Wollet-yes, Mr. Kempers abstain…motion Passed.

Next Regular Trustee Meeting will be March 13, 2018 at 6:00pm.

Mr. Ungaro motioned to enter into a contract with Mary Bartos and Pat Bartos cleaning services. Seconded by Ms. Wollet, Roll call Mr. Ungaro-yes, Ms. Wollet-yes, Mr. Kempers- yes. Motion passed.

            Mr. Ungaro motioned to approve Resolution# 18-03 to Transfer $100,000 from General Fund to The Police Fund. Seconded by Ms. Wollet, Roll call Mr. Ungaro- yes, Ms. Wollet-yes, Mr. Kempers-yes… Motion passed.

            Mr. Ungaro motioned to approve Resolution # 18-04 to request Tax advance on the following dates: February 23, March 2, March 9, March 16 and March 23. Seconded by Ms. Wollet, Roll call Ms. Wollet-yes, Mr. Ungaro- yes, Mr. Kempers-yes. Motion passed.

Park Committee:

            Mr. Filicky gives the park committee report. Sled riding hill was opened, in December and a post was installed at entrance to prevent motor vehicles from driving up the hill. They are consider installing a handrail for the riding hill. There has been a loss of four picnic tables in the last two years, Mr. Filicky request a pad lock for the gate, on the east side of the fence.

Recycling Department:

            Mr. Monus and Ms. Wollet went to the County Engineers meeting; Lou Vega is head of Green Team. In 3-4 weeks residents, will receive a notice of schedules being changed. In 3-4 years Poland Township will not have bins.  All pickups will be curbside pickups.


            Mr. Bob Monus presents monthly zoning report:

  • One new structure valuation= $248,470.00, with fee $1,739.00
  • Additional improvements of $126,140.00, fee= $883.00; misc. permit= $5.00
  • Zoning appeals= $275.00. 18 violations for the month. Total valuation= $374,610.00; fees= $2,902.00.

            Mr. Monus requests an approval of the software iWorQ for Zoning Department not to exceed $1,650.00. Mr. Ungaro motioned to approve iWorQ, Seconded by Ms. Wollet. Voting- yes- Mr. Ungaro, Ms. Wollet, Mr. Kempers. Motion Passed.

            Mr. Monus requests to appoint Robert Durick to Zoning Board of Appeals to fill the remainder term of Hank Grover expiring in 2021. Motioned by Mr. Ungaro to appoint Robert Durick, seconded by Ms. Wollet. Voting-yes- Mr. Ungaro, Ms. Wollet, Mr. Kempers. Motion passed.

Road Department:

            Mr. Tom Monus present monthly report. Trees were not cut, waiting for dryer weather.

Ms. Wollet speaks on the roads regarding road repair and cost with Tri County Asphalt.

  • 2013- About $20,000.00
  • 2014-$31,000.00
  • 2015-$52,000.00
  • 2016-$10,000.00
  • 2017- $18,000.00

 Total spending of $133,559.01 in five years in asphalt and $26,000  average per year to patch roads. These numbers are for materials only.

Police Department:

            Chief Goodin presents monthly report stats for January 2018.

  • 371 security checks for residents on vacation
  • 23 observe calls
  • 234 dispatch calls
  • 14 accidents
  • 17 traffic warnings
  • 6 traffic citation
  • 2 misdemeanor arrest.

       Miles traveled 9,764.

            Mahoning Valley Crisis Response Team asked for a $2,000 donation to offset the cost of training. In the past donations given were $1,000. Mr. Ungaro motioned to give $2,000 to Mahoning County Response Team. Seconded by Ms. Wollet. Voting-yes- Mr. Ungaro, Ms. Wollet, Mr. Kempers. Motion passed.

            Accept resignation letter from PTL. Meghan Shonce effective January 16, 2018. Mr. Ungaro motioned to accept resignation, seconded by Ms. Wollet. Voting yes - Mr. Ungaro, Ms. Wollet, Mr. Kempers.  Motion Passed.

There being no comments, Chairman Mr. Ungaro motions to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:47 pm. Seconded by Ms. Wollet. Roll call, Mr. Ungaro-yes, Ms. Wollet-yes, Mr. Kempers-yes. Motion passed.


Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                 

Joanne Wollet, Vice-Chair

Edward R. Kempers, Trustee                                           

Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer