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                                                                        REGULAR MEETING
                                                                              July 8, 2020

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held a regular meeting July 8, 2020 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road Poland, Ohio.

Mr. Ungaro calls the meeting to order.  

Mr. Kempers leads the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Scharville does roll call. Ungaro, Kempers and Wollet are present.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the minutes dated June 10th, 2020. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes - Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for the Township. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #20-16: Nuisance Notice.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

The following were listed:

  • 2360 Shetland Lane

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #20-17: purchase of 2014 Sewer Vac in the amount of $125,000. Vin Number 2110. Also approve the finances for the sewer vac.   Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #20-18: Natural Gas Aggregation, a three-year lease, partnering with ITS Energy. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Scharville is present to give recycling report.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve agreement with The Solid Waste Management District for site improvement for the fencing and security cameras.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve agreement with Solid Waste Management District for a year property lease for $11,250. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve to rent a mini excavator in an amount to not to exceed $3,200. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Scharville is present to go over the mosquito spraying.  If you do not want your property sprayed please contact Mahoning County Department of Health and leave your name and number.

Mr. Canter is present to give financial report.

  Revenue- $223,099.69

  Expenditure- $438,956.21

Everything is posted on E-checkbook for 2019.


Mr. Flicky gives Park report.

Expresses concern of speeding in the park area. Some suggested course of actions were to send out letters, speed bumps, radar speed signs, to install cross walks or make some roads one way with bicycle lanes.


Monthly report from May

  • 1 new structure, valuation- $170,410; fees-$1,201.
  • 34 additional/ improvements, valuation-$238,334; fees-$1,818.
  • 7 misc. permit-$35.00; 1-appeal- $275.00; 53 violations for the month; total valuation for the month- $408,744; total fees collected-$3,329; valuation year to date-$2,133,086.


Mr. Tommy Monus was not present for this meeting.


Chief Goodin is present to give monthly report.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the purchase of Evidence Scanner Equipment from Spillman in the amount not to exceed $2,700.00. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Roll call vote yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the purchase of 7 driver license scanners one for each car, from Spillman in the amount not to exceed $2,500.00.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Roll call vote yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mrs. Wollet discusses the speeding in the residential area, and how they can get people to slow down. Chief Goodin explains a different way of tactics that have been used before.

Mr. Ungaro motions to purchase on site 75MX speed sign not to exceed $3,800.00 from Decatur Electronics.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Roll call vote yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


No Comments.


Pam Burns 5876 Poland Struthers Road, has seen and even received a “slow down children at play” from MLO Brothers and has noticed as people see them, they do slow down.

Kelly Duck 5471 Clingan Road, wanted more information regarding zoning for new condo she read in last Thursdays paper. Mr. Ungaro explained it was just preliminary for now, he also explained for her to call zoning and speak with Mr. Bob Monus. She may also want to attend a couple zoning meetings.

Mr. Ungaro motions to adjourn at 6:54p.m.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                     
Edward Kempers, Trustee
Joanne Wollet, Trustee                                                         
Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer