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                                                                               REGULAR MEETING
                                                                              December 11th, 2019

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held a regular meeting December 11th, 2019 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road Poland, Ohio.

Mr. Ungaro calls the meeting to order.

Mike Kushner leads the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Scharville does roll call. Ungaro, Kempers and Wollet are present.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the minutes dated November 20, 2019 and December 05, 2019. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes-Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for the Township. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #19-36 Nuisance Notice.

  • 3088 South Wind Trail

 Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #19-37 - 90 Day Appropriations for calendar year 2020.

Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #19-38 - 2019 Final Appropriations.

Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

The Board recognizes with certificates Poland Bulldogs Varsity football team.  Coach King speaks highly of the team.

Christmas tree recycling program in conjunction with the Green Team (drop off or curb pick up) 12-26-2019 thru 01-31-2020.

Mr. Ungaro announces that there is a meeting change for January 8th,2020 will be set for  January 15th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.


Financial report will be available next meeting.


Mr. Filicky is present to give report.


Mr. Bob Monus is present to give monthly report.

  • 7 additional/ improvements- valuation-$211,640; fees-$1,508
  • 2 misc. permit-$10; 35 violations for the month; total valuation- $211,640; total fees-$1,518


Chief Goodin is present to give monthly report.

Mr. Ungaro motions to rescind the offer as part time officers Dylan Bell and Anthony LaBerto. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mrs. Wollet- No Comment

Mr. Kempers- Happy holidays, Merry Christmas hope it’s safe and enjoyable for everyone.


Patricia McQuillan 3005 SouthWind Trail, speaks of concern about the salt trucks leaving large piles of salt in places on the roads.

Mr. Ungaro motions to adjourn at 6:31 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to enter executive session at 6:32 p.m. reasons of contracts and personnel. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to exit executive session at 7:15 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers.

Meeting adjourned.


Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                         
Edward Kempers, Vice Chair
Joanne Wollet, Trustee                                                         
Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer