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December 14th, 2016

Regular Trustee Meeting

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on December 14th, 2016 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road, Poland Ohio.

Chief Goodin leads in The Pledge of Allegiance.

Administrator Scharville calls roll call.  Chairman Eric Ungaro, Vice Chairman Robert Lidle, and Trustee Joanne Wollet are present.

Chairman Ungaro makes a motion to approve minutes dated November 9th 2016, November 19th, 2016, November 30th, 2016 and December 7th, 2016. Seconded by Vice Chairman Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Trustee Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for the township. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Fiscal Officer Paul Canter is present to give Financial Report for the month of November 2016.  November revenue -$ 335,000.00 expenditures- $345,000.00. YTD Finances are on budget.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve Resolution #16-24: OPWC Project 2017 Road Resurfacing Project: Authorizes Township administrator to submit application and to execute contracts. Acts as chief executive office of Ohio Public Work Commission Program 2017 Road Resurfacing Program. Trustee Wollet made comment of this project being a $239,000.00 project with a balance of $143,400.00 and the county will be doing guard rail work as well. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve Resolution #16:25 Transfer to Police Fund: Mahoning County Ohio Board of Township Trustees authorize fiscal officer to transfer $125,000.00 from the general fund to the police fund for FY16. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to allocate up to $1,000.00 towards Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan by 2017 to have a mandated place for the storm water, pollution and chemicals to go. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Trustee Wollet discusses the Records Retention Schedule. Trustee Wollet, Fiscal Officer Paul Canter and Jacci Colaneri are in the process of trying to clean up old records and get rid of unneeded ones due to lack of space. Sent Retention Schedule to Ohio History Connection, waiting approval. Schedule for township will be ready when approved.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve and sign maintenance agreement with Mahoning County for the upkeep and maintenance of Dobbins Road. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve 2017 90 day appropriations for Poland Township, seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to not exceed $1,500.00 for CASTLO sign. Seconded by Lidle.  Voting yes – Ungaro and Lidle. Trustee Wollet is abstaining from vote due to being on the board for community fund and CASTLO. …motion carried.

Trustee Wollet gives recognition of awards to the Fall Athletics.


Park Committee:

Advisor Board Chairman Mike Heher, is not present to give monthly report.


Recycling Dept.:

Administrator Jim Scharville is present to give information from The Green Team for Christmas tree recycling program (drop off or curb pick up) December 26th, 2016 through January 31st, 2017


Zoning Dept.:

Zoning Inspector Bob Monus is present to give monthly report. For the month of November to valuation is $83,640.00 and total fees collected is $620.00.


Road Dept.:

Foreman Tom Monus is present to give monthly report.


Police Dept.:

Chief Goodin is present to give monthly stats. Ungaro makes a motion to approve the card swipe system from Johnson Control in the amount not to exceed $18,000.00, seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve the recognition letter from Ptl. John Bonish, seconded by Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Trustee Wollet wants to publically address app, Next Door, wants to make sure people are being cautious when reading app to not believe everything you read and any concerns to please call Chief Goodin or the Board of Trustee’s to look into any rumors before creating any panic.

Ungaro makes gives recognition to Chief Anthony Sferra who is a retired detective and now recently retired from the fire district. Retirement dinner will be January 6th, 2017 at Holy Family Parish. Tickets for retirement dinner will be $20.00 each any information needed could be found at the fire station.

Ungaro makes a motion to enter into executive session at 6:31 p.m. for reason of personnel. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to exit executive session 6:51 p.m. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Ungaro…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m., seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried. 



Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                    

Robert Lidle, Jr., Trustee

Joanne Wollet, Trustee                                                          

Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer