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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
August 3, 2017
ZA-05-17, ZA-06-17
Members/Attendance:              X         Hank Grover
                                                X         Jim Burgham
                                                X         Michael Johnston
                                                N/A      Ricky Morrison
                                                X         Albert Sciulli
                                                N/A      Robert Durick
Also in attendance:                  X         Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
                                                X         Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Jim Burgham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1st Order of Business:

Jim Burgham stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2017 and June 1, 2017 meetings.  Burgham stated that for the record case number ZA-04-17 was continued by the Board, but withdrawn at a later date by the appellant. 

Hank Grover made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 18, 2017 meeting.  Al Sciulli seconded the motion.  All members in favor, minutes approved.

Hank Grover made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 1, 2017 meeting.  Al Sciulli seconded the motion.  All members in favor, minutes approved.

2nd Order of Business:

Case #ZA-05-17 – Is a variance request by Samuel and Dawn Mashorda to obtain relief from minimum yard setback on the secondary street (10th) Tenth Street, of their corner lot.  Appellant wishes to construct a side yard porch with dimensions of twenty-five (25) feet long by twelve (12) feet deep (25’ L x 12’ D).  The current porch is eight (8) feet deep.  The property is located at 2217 Hamilton Avenue, known as parcel number 35-003-0-063.00-0, lot number 291, and is situated in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, in a (R-1) Residential-1 zoned district.

 Items included in packet submitted:

  1. Application for Variance
  2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
  3. Letter of Intent
  4. Site Plan (current plan and proposed plan)
  5. Property Description (Zoning)
  6. Property Description (Auditor)
  7. Zoning District Map
  8. County GIS Plate Map
  9. Warranty Deed
 Samuel Mashorda
2217 Hamilton Avenue

Mashorda stated he is afraid the porch is going to fall, the posts are rotted and it needs rebuilt.  The porch will be located in the same location but it will be a different depth.  He stated he enjoys having his breakfast on the porch,

Hank Grover asked Mashorda if it will remain a porch.  Mashorda stated it will remain a porch, it will not be enclosed.

Jim Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request.

Dawn Mashorda
2217 Hamilton Avenue

She stated that the porch will be constructed with white vinyl and really would appreciate having a larger porch.

Jim Burgham asked if anyone else would like to speak in favor of this request.  No one responds.  He asked if anyone would like to speak against this request.  No one responds.

Hank Grover stated there are no safety factors with the porch and no issues with the setback.

After further discussion, the following motion was made:


Mike Johnston made a motion in Case ZA-05-17 to grant the variance request to construct a twelve (12) foot by twenty-five (25) foot porch as per the plans submitted.  Al Sciulli seconded the motion.

Yes      Mike Johnston
Yes      Al Sciulli
Yes      Hank Grover
Yes      Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

3rd Order of Business:

Case #ZA-06-17 – Is a variance request by Matthew and Michelle Golladay to obtain relief from side and rear yard setback to construct a twenty-two (22) by twenty-two (22) square foot accessory building.  Appellant is seeking reduction from seven (7) feet to three (3) feet for the rear yard and from five (5) to three (3) feet for the side yard.  The property is located at 3144 Southwind Trail, known as parcel number 35-070-0-073.00-0, lot number 173, and is situated in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, in a (R-1) Residential-1 zoned district.

 Items included in packet submitted:

  1. Application for Variance
  2. List of Abutting Property Owners
  3. Zoning Permit Denial Form
  4. Letter of Intent
  5. Site Plan
  6. Site Elevation Plan
  7. Property Description (Zoning)
  8. Property Description (Auditor)
  9. Zoning District Map
  10. County GIS Plate Map
  11. Five (5) photos of property from owner
  12. Warranty Deed
Matthew Golladay
3144 Southwind Trail

Golladay stated the building is needed for storage.

Mike Johnston asked Golladay if he plans on using the building for business purposes.  Golladay stated no, that it will be used strictly for storage purposes.

Jim Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request.  No one responds.  Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak against this request.  No one responds.

Jim Burgham stated he has no issues with the proposed building, Mike Johnston and Hank Grover stated they agree as well.


Hank Grover made a motion in Case ZA-06-17 to grant the variance request for a four (4) foot rear yard variance reduction from seven (7) to (3) feet, and granting  a two (2) foot side yard variance reduction from five (5) feet to three (3) feet for construction of an accessory building, as per the plans submitted.  Mike Johnston seconded the motion.

Yes      Hank Grover
Yes      Mike Johnston
Yes      Al Sciulli
Yes      Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

The next meeting will be held on August 31, 2017.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by:

Michele Richards/Recording Secretary

  • cc:        Trustees (3)
  •             Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
  •             Zoning Commission (6)
  •             P. Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
            File (1)