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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
August 1, 2013
ZA-07-13, ZA-08-13

Members/Attendance: X Hank Grover
  X Jim Burgham
  N/A Bill Custer
  X Holly Grant
  X Michael Johnston
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Hank Grover called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

1st Order of Business:
Hank Grover stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on June 6, 2013. Hank Grover stated that a correction is to be made to page 4. Jim Mahoney’s company is AES Surveying, not Media Surveying. Jim Burgham made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 6, 2013 meeting as corrected. All members were in favor. Minutes approved.
2nd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-07-13 – Is a variance request by Thomas McMurray to obtain relief from square footage to construct a twenty four by thirty (24 x 30) foot accessory building. The proposed building will be located at 2406 Ridgeview Lane, and is known as parcel #35-045-0-021,00-0, lot number 3, and located in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, in a Residential-1 (R-1) zoned district.

Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Thomas McMurray
2406 Ridgeview Lane

McMurray stated he is requesting permission to build a twenty four by thirty (24 x 30) foot garage for the purpose of storing his newly purchased boat.

Holly Grant asked McMurray the size of his boat and trailer. McMurray replied twenty-eight (28) feet, which is why he needs the depth to be thirty (30) feet.

Hank Grover asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request. No one replies. Hank Grover asked if anyone would like to speak against the request or has questions.
Mitchell Dinopoulas
7759 North Lima Road

Dinopoulas stated he lives behind McMurray. He asked where the garage will be built on the property. The Board showed Dinopoulas the drawing of the proposed building. Dinopoulas stated he is okay with the variance request.


Jim Burgham made a motion in Case ZA-07-13 to grant the variance request to allow for an accessory building of seven hundred twenty (720) square feet, as per the plans submitted. Mike Johnston seconded the motion.


Yes Jim Burgham
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Holly Grant
Yes Hank Grover

Motion carried.

3rd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-08-13 – Is a variance request by William Costello to obtain relief from building setback from side yard property line, which will exceed maximum height and square footage, for an addition of one hundred ninety-two (192) square feet to an existing accessory building, which is forty by thirty-two (40 x 32) square feet. The proposed addition will be located at 6079 Frontier Drive, and is known as parcel #35-005-0-005.00-0, GL number 26, and is located in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, in a Residential-1 (R-1) zoned district.

Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

William Costello
6079 Frontier Drive

Costello stated he is requesting the variance in order to have adequate storage for his motorcycles, cars, and trucks. He stated he is limited to where he can make the addition due to the septic tank on one side and a leech bed in the back.
Hank Grover asked Bob Monus if there was a prior variance request on the existing building. Monus stated he could not find a prior variance approving it. The zoning code at that time stated that any accessory structure in excess of four hundred (400) square feet in a residential district required a conditional use permit. That was prior to the current Board of Zoning Appeals. He stated he was unable to find a case for this. There was an application that was approved by the previous zoning inspector, Ed Chinowth, but there was no substance that could support the permit. Hank Grover asked if there was a building permit for when it was built. Monus stated yes, and it was built June 30, 1994. The appellant’s father was the property owner at that time.

Holly Grant asked Costello the height of the inside of the building. Costello stated eight (8) feet. Costello stated he needs the additional six (6) feet in order to have a ten (10) foot garage door so he can pull his trucks in the building.

Hank Grover asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request.

Kris Anderson
6047 Frontier Drive

Anderson stated he lives two houses away from the appellant. Anderson said that from his front property line to the back property line there is twenty-five (25) feet of fall. Costello’s addition will not hamper or hinder the beauty of his property. It is perfectly safe and you will not be able to see it from the front of the house. Anderson stated he is for the variance request because it will help improve the values of their homes.

Grover asked if anyone would like to speak against the request or has questions. No one responds. The Board proceeded to discuss the case.

After further discussion, the following motion was made:


Jim Burgham made a motion in Case ZA-08-13 to grant the variances requested for the reduction in side yard setback, the additional building height, and the additional square footage, as per the plans submitted. Holly Grant seconded the motion.


Yes Jim Burgham
Yes Holly Grant
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Hank Grover

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (5)
Zoning Commission (5)
J. Granitto (1)
File (1)