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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
November 29, 2012

Members/Attendance: X Hank Grover
  X Jim Burgham
  X Al Franceschelli
  X Bill Custer
  N/A Holly Grant
  X Michael Johnston
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Hank Grover called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

1st Order of Business:
Hank Grover stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on November 1, 2012. Jim Burgham made a motion to accept the minutes from the November 1, 2012 meeting. All members were in favor. Minutes approved.
2nd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-07-12 – A variance request by Bradley and Kimberlee Tovtin to obtain relief from accessory building regulations for square footage, height and to build the accessory structure prior to home being completed. Accessory building will be thirty (30) feet wide by fifth (50) feet deep (30W x 50D) and sixteen (16) feet in height, and totals fifteen hundred (1500) square feet. The property is located approximately two thousand one hundred thirty-one (2,131) feet east of Struthers and Arrel Road intersection on the north side of the street and is known as parcel number 35-111-0-001.02-0, great lot 53. Parcel is located in Poland Township, Lowellville, Ohio, in an (AG) agricultural district.
Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Hank Grover asked Bradley Tovtin if he would like to add additional information to the case.

Bradley Tovtin
5237 Kennedy Road

Tovtin stated that he had no additional information to add to the case.

Hank Grover asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request. No one responds. Hank asked if anyone would like to speak against this request. No one responds.

Hank asked the board members if there were any questions or concerns with this case.
Jim Burgham stated that Tovtin’s drawing clearly states his intentions. Burgham asked Tovtin when the start date of construction for the home is. Tovtin stated it could be any day; he is waiting to hear from the bank.

Hank stated that there are three parts to this variance They are:
  1. Accessory buildings. No detached accessory building in AG shall exceed fifteen (15 feet) in height. The request is for sixteen (16) feet in height.
  2. Maximum square footage in AG is one thousand (1,000) square feet. The request is for one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet.
  3. The accessory building must be built in conjunction with or simultaneously with the construction of the house.
Jim Burgham stated that if the variance is granted, it must be granted on the condition that the home is built. Burgham is not concerned with the height or the square footage of the building. The request is not excessive for the conditions of the property due to the property size.

Mike Johnston stated that the Board needs to make sure that there is not just an outbuilding on the property with no house.

Hank asked Tovtin if the intent is to build the pole building first. Tovtin stated that the house will be started first. They anticipate that the pole building will not take as long to construct as the house will. The pole building will most likely be completed prior to the house and they plan to use it for storage while the house is under construction.

Hank asked if there were any other comments or concerns to discuss. There being none, the following motion was made:


Jim Burgham made a motion in Case ZA-07-12 to grant the variances requested for the construction of an accessory building with a height of sixteen (16) feet and square footage of one thousand five hundred (1,500) and the variance will be contingent upon a home also being constructed on said property in a relative time frame of six (6) months. Al Franceschelli seconded the motion.


Yes Jim Burgham
Yes Al Franceschelli
Yes Bill Custer
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Hank Grover

Motion carried.

Hank Grover stated for the record that Al Franceschelli will not be pursuing another term on the zoning board. Hank thanked Al for his years of service on the zoning board.
Meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
Zoning Commission (6)
J. Granitto (1)
File (1)