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Zoning Commission Meeting

February 24, 2016



Members/Attendance:                X         Ron Massullo

                                                X         Bob Barnhart

                                                X         Gene McCullough

                                                X         Frank Mazzocca

                                                X         Frank Prusak

                                                X         Bill Gardner

Also in attendance:                 X         Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector

                                                X         Michele Richards, Recording Secretary


Ron Massullo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 


1st Order of Business:

Ron Massullo stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on January 20, 2016.  Frank Mazzocca made a motion to accept the minutes from the January 20, 2016 meeting.  Frank Prusak seconded the motion.  All members were in favor.  Motion carried. 


2nd Order of Business:

Bob Monus presented proposed amendments to the Zoning Resolution to the Board members.  He stated that Sam Pitzulo, of Sam Pitzulo Homes, had filed a variance requesting relief from density requirements for two properties in Poland Township.  This variance was heard before the Board of Appeals, but the Board felt they did not have the authority to deal with density issues.

In reviewing the current R-3 sections of the current Zoning Resolution book, Monus felt several changes needed to be made.  There are two properties left in the township that are R-3, and these are the properties in question.  Once these properties are replatted, there will be no more R-3 properties in the township.

Monus stated that Sam Pitzulo is proposing to construct condominium units for ownership, there will be no rentals.  This will be similar to Roberto Place.

Monus stated Sam Pitzulo is in attendance and will present his proposal to the Board.


Sam Pitzulo

Sam Pitzulo Homes

427 S. Broad Street

Canfield, Ohio

Pitzulo stated he is proposing eighteen (18) condominium units for ownership.  The units will be 1,200 square feet or less; have covered back and front porches, garages, three

parking spaces per unit, and two bedrooms.  The units will be sold for $130,000 per unit.  The units will be handicap accessible, with no steps or basement.

The Board proceeded to discuss this matter further. 

Ron Massullo stated that once the Board approves the proposed zoning amendments, it will be brought before the Mahoning County Planning Commission for their approval.  Once it is approved at the Planning Commission, a public hearing will be held.  Then the matter will go before the Trustees for their final approval.

Ron Massullo asked if there was any further discussion on the proposed amendments.  There was no additional discussion.



Ron Massullo made a motion in Case ZC-01-16 to approve the proposed amendments and refer the amendments to the Mahoning County Planning Commission.  Frank Mazzocca seconded the motion.



Yes      Frank Mazzocca

Yes      Bob Barnhart

Yes      Gene McCullough

Yes      Frank Prusak

Yes      Bill Gardner

Yes      Ron Massullo

Motion approved.


This matter will be presented at the Mahoning County Planning Commission on March 22, 2016.  The proposed date for the next board meeting/public hearing will be March 23, 2016.


Old Business:



New Business: 

Gene McCullough mentioned the Board might want to review the section on planned unit developments.


Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Submitted by:

Michele Richards/Recording Secretary

cc:        Trustees (3)

            Board of Zoning Appeals (7)

            Zoning Commission (6)

            P. Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)

            File (1)