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Zoning Commission Meeting
February 5, 2014

Members/Attendance: X Ron Massullo
  X Bob Barnhart
  X Tim Marucci
  X Gene McCullough
  X Kim Kotheimer
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Ron Massullo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Ron recognized alternate board member, Frank Prusak, who is seated in the audience. Frank is an alternate on the Zoning Commission Board as well as the Board of Zoning Appeals.

1st Order of Business:
Ron Massullo stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on June 5, 2013. Tim Marucci made a motion to accept the minutes from the June 5, 2013 meeting. Bob Barnhart seconded the motion.

Yes Tim Marucci
Yes Bob Barnhart
Yes Gene McCullough
Yes Ron Massullo

Motion carried.

2nd Order of Business:

Reorganization of the Board.

Gene McCullough made a motion to retain Ron Massullo as Chair of the Committee. Kim Kotheimer seconded the motion.

Tim Marucci made a motion to retain Gene McCullough as Vice Chair of the Committee. Ron Massullo seconded the motion. All members were in favor.

Motion carried.

3rd Order of Business:
Ron Massullo stated that Robert Mastriana is in attendance for a pre-application meeting. Joe Cantanzriti of Burgan Real Estate is also in attendance. Mastriana stated he would like to develop the area of Hamilton Lake that abuts the Poland Swim Club. There is a total of forty-six (46) acres; however, four acres have already been sold. Mastriana stated he has spoken to the president of the Poland Swim Club and there is a possibility of partnering with the swim club so they could be a part of the development in order to enhance their membership.

Gene McCullough asked Mastriana if water shed agreement in place with Aqua Ohio. Mastriana stated that Aqua has given him all of their regulations and he will be meeting with them to discuss it further.

Mastriana proceeded to provide the Board more information on the proposed community development.

Bob Monus stated that Mastriana’s presentation was informal and asked if the Board is satisfied and would like to move to the next step. Massullo stated yes, the Board would like to proceed with this.

New Business:
Kim Kotheimer would like a proposed amendment be made to Section 7.22 for a property maintenance resolution.

Old Business:


Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary


Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
Zoning Commission (6)
J. Granitto (1)
File (1)