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                                                                          Zoning Commission Meeting
                                                                                     March 27, 2019


Members/Attendance:             X         Gene McCullough
                                                     X         Frank Mazzocca
                                                     X         Frank Prusak
                                                     X         Bill Gardner
                                                     X         Paul Sherman
Also in attendance:                  X         Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
                                                     X         Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Gene McCullough called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

1st Order of Business:

Gene McCullough stated that the first order of business is to approve or waive the minutes from the meeting held on August 1, 2018.  Frank Mazzocca made a motion to waive the minutes from the August 1, 2018 meeting.  Frank Prusak seconded the motion.  All members were in favor.  Motion carried. 

2nd Order of Business:

Reorganization of the Board. 

Gene McCullough made a motion to nominate Bill Gardner as Chair of the Committee.   Frank Mazzocca seconded the motion.  Bill Gardner accepted the nomination.  All members were in favor.  Motion carried.

Frank Prusak made a motion to nominate Gene McCullough as Vice Chair of the Committee.  Bill Gardner seconded the motion.  Gene McCullough accepted the nomination.  All members were in favor.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

Frank Mazzocca asked if there is anything new going on with the Route 224 corridor.  Bob Monus stated there have been no inquiries in terms of development on the Route 224 corridor.

Bill Gardner asked what was going on with Morgan Oil.  Bob Monus replied that the State of Ohio is making them put in a turning lane on both sides of the roadway.

Gene McCullough made reference to an article in The Business Journal that Bob Monus was quoted in. 

Gene McCullough asked about the property that was rezoned next to the Burger King.  Monus stated they were looking to market those parcels for businesses to buy them but he has not heard anything further.

New Business:

Gene McCullough stated that Poland Township does not have a good repute in regard to new development.  Monus stated that the housing market seems to be starting out slow.

Gene McCullough feels that we should have a joint meeting with the Trustees to determine which way they want Poland Township to go, whether it is strictly a residential or commercial area.  He feels that we should have some direction from the Trustees.

Good of the Order:

Bill Gardner stated that in discussions he has had with brokers in the area, Poland Township is perceived as being anti-growth.   

Paul Sherman stated in his profession of real estate, there is a definite void in housing, such as condos, for senior citizens.  Sherman also mentioned that the enrollment in Poland schools is dropping.  He also stated he feels there is a need for a mid-range housing development in the area, as there are three major developments that are more high range.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Submitted by:

Michele Richards/Recording Secretary

cc:        Trustees (3)
            Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
            Zoning Commission (5)
            Paul Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
            File (1)