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                                                                      Zoning Commission Meeting
                                                                                   May 26, 2021


Members/Attendance:       X         Gene McCullough
                                                X         Frank Mazzocca
                                                X         Frank Prusak
                                                X         Bill Gardner
                                                X         Paul Sherman
                                                X         David Long
Also in attendance:             X         Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
                                                X         Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Paul Sherman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

1st Order of Business:

Paul Sherman stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the last meetings.  Frank Mazzocca made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2021 meeting.  Bill Gardner seconded the motion.  All members were in favor.  Motion approved.  Frank Mazzocca made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 24, 2021 meeting.  Bill Gardner seconded the motion.  All members were in favor.  Motion approved.

2nd Order of Business:

ZC-02-21 – This is a zone change request by Nicholas DeMaiolo of Milo Land, who wishes to rezone one parcel of land from its current zoning classification known as a Residential-2 (R-2) District to a Residential-3 (R-3) District in its entirety.  This is a vacant lot which is .36200 acres and is 82.91w x 190’d (frontage 82.91) located on Clingan Road on the west side of the street, approximately five hundred (500) feet north of the Clingan Road-Heatherbrae Drive intersection and is known as lot number 133, parcel number 35-008-0-162.00-0.  It is owned by Cosmo Iamurri and is situated in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, Mahoning County.

Paul Sherman stated that the Mahoning County Planning Commission approved the zone change for this case on May 25, 2021.

Nicholas DeMaiolo
293 Homestead Drive
Columbiana, Ohio 44408

DeMaiolo stated he is involved in a real estate transaction with the owner of the parcel, who has granted authority for him to act on his behalf.  The sale of the parcel is contingent upon the zone change.  The current R-2 zoning would allow a duplex to be built on the property, but the request is to build a fourplex, which is why the request is for the R-3 zone change.  He stated he is proposing to build a four unit townhouse style building.  It will be similar to a condo.  There will be no common areas interior to the building, every unit will be separate.  It will include a garage rather than a carport.

Paul Sherman stated to DeMaiolo if the zone change is granted, he will need to comply with existing setbacks.  DeMaiolo stated he will be able to do that.  Sherman asked if he had a sketch or drawing.  DeMaiolo showed a proposed drawing.

Paul Sherman asked if there were any questions from the Board.

David Long asked if the units will be for sale or for rent.  DeMaiolo stated they will be for rent.

Gene McCullough asked if the garage will be a single car garage.  DeMaiolo stated yes, single car garage.  McCullough asked if there would be additional parking by the units for two car families.  DeMaiolo stated yes, there will be a spot outside the garage of each unit for uncovered parking.

Paul Sherman asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak.

Rocco Pochiro
6120 Clingan Road

Pochiro stated he owns the adjacent property to the south of the property.  It is a four plex unit that he has owned since 1992.  He asked DeMaiolo about elevation.  DeMaiolo stated his building will not have a basement, but he stated he would not build something that would adversely affect his property as far as water drainage. 

Paul Sherman stated he spoke to the property owner to the west, Frank Popovich, and he has no objections to the proposed zone change.   He spoke to a representative from the Swim Club, who is to the north of the property, and they have no objections to the zone change.  He also spoke to Giannios, who is across the street from the property, and they have no objections to the zone change.  He asked Rocco Pochiro, the owner of the property to the south, if he is satisfied.  Pochiro stated yes.

The following motion was then made:


Frank Mazzocca made a motion in Case ZC-02-21 to approve the zone change request. Bill Gardner seconded the motion.  All members were in favor.  The Chairman did not poll the Board, however, all members approved the request.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
cc:      Trustees (3)
            Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
            Zoning Commission (6)
            Paul Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
            File (1)